Okay, so that was a long break in writing. In most cases that would mean I work more, but lots of things other than just writing code happened.

Dawid no longer works with me on a daily basis as he's starting his new day job, so I am alone again.

Hopefully we'll figure out a way to somehow manage our time and have some for our toys.

That would probably also affect some of my plans and ways of doing things.

Anyway let's move on to some happy news and ideas. Here it is:

I come up with the idea of building things on my own with my 3d printer and modular approach.

This means we have a frame on which we can put a small tiles (40x40mm) which interconnect and talk to eachother (mostly i2c).

Hope you like the idea because I really do. Let's see where it will take me next year.

Best wishes! 