We are PlayableElectronics!
We make instruments and bespoke controllers for live performance.
This lil guy on the toilet is Dawid 21 years ago. 3 years ago when He met Daniel. He discovered the magic and the potential of programming.
Together, they started building computer vision systems for robotics industry, then Dawid decided what he want to do most in his life.
He got interested in machine learning, computer vision and embedded programming.
During his work, every day he discover new ways in many fields based mainly on programming and designing.
He is very proud of their work that they can share with world.
Also with us
We would be nothing without our friends which help us on a daily basis with:
- Small run electronic assembly and troubleshooting - iTech Electronics
- 3d printing (in-house both resin and filament)
- Laser cutting and engraving (in house)
- CNC machining of metal parts
- CNC machining of wood (we do it on our own anyways so we thank ourselves :-)
- PCB manufacturing - Elektro
Thank you very much!
Our history
PlayableElectronics (PE in short) started around 2012 for a first time. It is a trademark of ReverbLand (Research Lab based and registered in Poland). Did I mention we run 100% off-grid solar energy?
Our first steps in synth design.
As you can see soldering was not my thing back then...:) There were some other machines built. You can see some pics HERE (if you really want to).
The biggest idea was to build a super ROMpler-synthesizer called Insomnia, but for some strange and sad reasons it was never finished.
Maybe it is not the most clever thing to talk about failures in our bio, but let it be a proof that we are still humans ;-)
Ten years later after meeting Dawid, things got serious!
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